Busy Elves

Oh, how I wish I could discuss and describe the various creative projects I’m working on this week. Alas, many of my friends and family are readers of this blog, so that will have to wait until after the gifts have been given!

Of course, I’ve already mentioned the cutout cards. And there is cooking to be done, as well. For our Yule celebration, I’m making warm drinks and soup. Two of the recipes are from the vegan Pagan cookbook I’ve co-written. On Saturday, the kids and I are going over to Mom’s to decorate and bake sugar cookies. It’s a fun tradition! She’s been doing this with the kids for quite a while, and now that I’m not working outside the home I’m able to join them for the festivities.

Sash finished his semester of college today, so we’ve been finalizing our characters for the new role-playing game he’s starting (Cyber Punk). Tonight we’ve been buying our equipment, which for my character is quite involved. I’m a street doc, which is a sort of high-level, first responder paramedic. I have a fast motorcycle to get to the scene, and a fancy full-body suit containing a computer that helps me diagnose and treat injuries or illnesses.

Last night I went to this month’s Red Temple meeting. What a fabulous group of women! And during our discussion we were expressing our gratitude for the amazing Pagan community here in Maine. Speaking of which, the Winter issue of the EarthTides Pagan Network newsletter should be out soon. It has a ton of great articles!

On a personal level, I’m still enjoying the introspective energies of the time between Samhain and Yule. I’ve been working on my list of goals for this coming year, and reflecting on the lessons from the year past. I’ll soon look over the records of my daily Tarot card readings for 2009 and see which cards were a particular focus, and why. I’ll also be looking over the goals I had for this year and see how things went.

It’s a very busy time of year for our family, but one that we enjoy quite a bit. I hope you do, as well!

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