Over at Fall Down to Fly, Miranda posted her holiday wish list. Being a deluxe bookworm, I was inspired to post my book wish list. Not that I’m asking you to do anything about it. It’s just for fun – and also a good way for me to keep track of what to order when some spare book money comes along. They aren’t in any particular order. Here goes:
Shadowrise by Tad Williams
Pagan Theology: Paganism as a World Religion by Michael York
The Self-Aware Universe by Amit Goswami
Renegade’s Magic by Robin Hobb
Healing Light of the Tao: Foundational Practices to Awaken Chi Energy by Mantak Chia
Eating in the Light of the Moon: How Women Can Transform Their Relationship with Food Through Myths, Metaphors, and Storytelling by Anita A. Johnston
1776: The Illustrated Edition by David McCullough
Anastasia (The Ringing Cedars, Book 1) by Vladimir Megre, Leonid, and Dr. Sharashkin
Creative Journal Writing by Stephanie Dowrick
The Daily Writer by Fred White
Old Friend From Far Away by Natalie Goldberg
Dragon Keeper by Robin Hobb
Might I suggest you check out PaperBackSwap.com, if you haven’t already. Some of the titles you’re looking for might be there, and it would save you a few dollars ;). Not as good as having someone gift them to you, but better than paying full price at Borders ;).
Thanks, Wendy. I was actually checking out your book post last night. I haven’t tried that website but certainly will. We usually do the library sales, Amazon sometimes, and Nonesuch Books.
I’m really happy with our growing library. I just need more rooms so I can have more bookshelves…. 🙂