Notes and Quotes

This is a busy week! Tonight we signed ElvenTiger up for basketball, and attended her year-end banquet for soccer. It was amazing to see the girls on her U-11 soccer team, then look at the girls who were on the next couple of age groups, and how girls grow so fast at this age! She’ll be a young woman before I know it. She has a great team to play with and loves to be the goalie.

This Thursday night is our homeschool support group’s Spaghetti Supper fundraiser, so we’re busily gearing up for that. Please support these wonderful kids! We’ve had friend and family members who can’t attend buy tickets anyway, just to support all the cool stuff going on with this group. So, consider making a donation if you can! For all the details click here.

Today I was so excited to pick up our second round of vegetables and fruits from our CSA at Wolf Pine Farm (in Alfred, Maine)! I love receiving all this local organic food, and then planning the week’s menu around them. Coming up: a root vegetable casserole, and brussels sprouts as a side dish – plus we made a salad for the soccer banquet potluck meal with some of the greens. The kids have already polished off half the cider!

It’s December as of tomorrow, so we’re gearing up for Yule and Christmas. Time to start (and finish) a bunch of projects, decorate the house, and so forth. I love this time of year! The kids are hoping for snow soon.

I came across a couple of really great quotes today, so I thought I’d share them with you:

“We expect more of ourselves than we have any right to.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

“Our word religion comes from the Latin and means ‘to bind together.’ A working religion, then, might be one that binds together the many rhythms that affect us by creating techniques – rituals – that attempt to synchronize the three dances, the personal, the cultural, and the cosmic. If the technique works, the reward is a new dimension of rhythm and time – the sacred.” – Mickey Hart

That’s all for today. By the way, this is day 20 of the Daily Blog Challenge! How am I doing? Sick of me yet? 🙂

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