Reiki Healing

Several years ago, a dear friend who has admitted (with a smile) to being a “Reiki pusher” became my Reiki Master. I was attuned to Reiki I first, and then a year later, to Reiki II. Since then I’ve mostly done Reiki for myself and my family, plus a series of sessions for a friend who was going through chemotherapy and radiation. Then there was a year or so when I didn’t do much Reiki, or at least give sessions. Not for any particular reason; I was changing careers and a lot was going on.

Within the past few months, I’ve gotten back into doing Reiki for others. It’s been a joy! For my Mom’s birthday, and the 40th birthday of a dear friend, I gave the gift of a year’s worth of Reiki (a session every month). I’ve also given sessions to a few new friends who were in need of some healing. Next month I’ve volunteered to do Reiki at a local college, as part of a “stress relief during finals” event.

Reiki energy is universal energy. When you give a Reiki session, you’re transmitting that energy, which is healing and renewing, into the body of the recipient. The energy then goes wherever in the person’s body that it’s most needed. I love the fact that when you give a Reiki session, you’re also receiving Reiki energy in your own body. Rather than being drained or tired, I feel refreshed after a session.

Reiki is a tool that was given to all of us, and isn’t part of any religion. Even so, I see my Reiki healing sessions as part of my work as a priestess in the community. I’ve given some thought to becoming a Reiki Master myself (which is Reiki III). My Reiki Master has encouraged me to do so. I have another close friend who recently became a Reiki Master, and there are several other practitioners in the community. When my Mom was in the hospital due to a car accident, I gave her Reiki there, and many of the nurses knew what I was doing. It’s becoming more common as an alternative and/or complement to Western medicine.

If you’ve never received Reiki, give it a try. Even if you’re not suffering from any illness or stress, getting a session is relaxing and calming. It’s perfectly safe to do any time, with no side effects whatsoever!

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