The Red Temple

I just came home from the third meeting of a new group for Pagan women here in Maine: The Red Temple. It was started by a friend who decided to invite a diverse group of women to get together each month on the new moon. We gather for conversation, group projects, and (of course) snacks.

I love being involved in a women-only spiritual group like this! I met some wonderful new women tonight, and was delighted to catch up with a woman who had been in a 6-week class with me last spring. The meetings are set up so that you can attend when it’s convenient, and there’s no problem missing a meeting if that day doesn’t work for you. The meeting is held on whatever day the new moon happens to fall on; I love having it based on the lunar cycle rather than an arbitrary day of the week (which might be a day when some women have ongoing commitments to another activity).

Our founder and hostess is thoughtful and kind, and she always has interesting questions to spark discussion. The women are wise and funny and willing to share themselves and their stories. Sometimes we do art projects together, or meditations, or just sit and talk (and laugh). I’ve learned something new at each of the meetings, and am able to share information that I’ve encountered on my path. One of the new women found us online as she was seeking for local Pagans, and it was cool to see her taking in the vibes.

I’m thankful to be part of this new group, and I hope it will flourish!

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