A Little Break

The schools have vacation this week. It does affect us, even as homeschoolers. Primarily because we don’t have any sports events this week. Recently we’ve had a lot of basketball practices, basketball games, and indoor soccer games. I’m glad we’re getting a little bit of a break this week, especially since they all seem to happen right at dinner time.

Our real vacation is next week. Our homeschool group, the Maine Wholeschoolers, are headed up to Sugarloaf for a week of skiing, snowboarding, snow tubing, and lots of other fun! The kids are really psyched. I’m looking forward to it, too. And seriously, why would we go this week, when the slopes are packed with kids? We’ll practically have the place to ourselves.

What have we been up to lately? Reading, making Valentines and collages, playing on the computer, playing in the snow, ice skating, cooking. Lots of fun stuff. Bridget had a friend over, and they decorated a birthday cake. It came out great! Here’s the photo:

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