It’s a Bird, It’s a Plant…No, it’s a Faerie!

I’ve felt unsettled this week. Sort of uncomfortable, emotionally and physically, without any real reason behind it. My chiropractor noticed I’ve got issues. “Lots of movement in the area of changing roles, huh?” “Yeah, just a bit…” I have 10 days of work left, and then I’m free! Free to unschool and write and garden and sleep in and hang out and whatever else I feel like doing. Don’t get me wrong, I’m VERY excited and joyful about this change.

It’s just that I’m in transition. And for an earth sign who is comfortable with routine, to a certain degree anyway, it’s weird to be in limbo. I’ve come up with a bunch of metaphors to explain it to myself and various friends. I’m the seedling just before it breaks the surface of the soil. The cliched butterfly in the chrysalis. I’m the caged bird who, the door now open, steps out and looks around at how darn BIG the sky really is.

Then my physical aches and pains kept manifesting in a familiar area. I first felt it in my neck, but when BlackLion gave me a massage, I felt the roots of it in my shoulders. Yep, right under the shoulder blades – my faerie wings! I’ve grown them now, and I’m about ready to unfurl them! It’s all making much more sense now.

Let’s see, as I remember, the first step is to relax and let those ephemeral new wings dry in the sunshine… I’m glad the weekend is here.

By the way, Happy Birthday to my brother! Not that he would actually read my blog or anything. But I did call him today, and he was at the Red Sox game tonight in Boston. I hope he had an awesome time!

2 Responses

  1. JWL
    JWL April 21, 2008 at 8:57 pm | | Reply

    Congrats, you!

    There’s nothing so satisfying as a sore, achy body after a good solid day’s work…. even if that means flying around the multiverse on your new wings!

    Go you!

  2. Jenngie
    Jenngie May 4, 2008 at 2:13 pm | | Reply

    remember the reading we did for you? the butterfly? very fitting now…
    congrats on your end of one chapter and the beginning of another! Go STARCAT!

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