It’s Official!

I’ve done something exciting; I’m taking action to follow my dreams. After nearly 16 years at the same workplace, I’m leaving starting in May. I told them this past week. It’s been a good job, the people are great, and I believe in the company (it’s a nonprofit) and its importance to the community. But it’s not my calling. So it’s time for a change!

How did I get to this point? I’ve always wanted to be a writer. Let me rephrase: I am a writer. I already have several writing projects underway – including a vegan cookbook and two non-fiction “metaphysics/self-help” books – plus I’ll be able to freelance for magazines and websites. I’m also going to be taking over unschooling with the kids, which I’m looking forward to as well. Plus gardening and beekeeping – lots of fun creative stuff in the works!

I feel really good about this. I’ve wanted to do it for a while, but always came up with reasons why I shouldn’t pursue my dreams. Here’s a quote: “Actually, it’s pretty simple. You have one real choice: To do your best, with what you have, from where you are. Everything else is just stalling.” – “Notes From the Universe by Mike Dooley. I’m no longer stalling – I’m ready for action.

Quester’s plan is to work in the “green collar” field, doing green building and solar conversion. He’s still doing a bunch of research and networking, so if you know anyone in those fields (we are in Maine), please let us know. After 11 years of being the “home Dad,” he’s ready for a change, too. It’s a good move for all of us.

2 Responses

  1. Wendy
    Wendy March 26, 2008 at 1:46 pm | | Reply

    So excited for you and your family! Big changes!

  2. Sean
    Sean March 26, 2008 at 3:58 pm | | Reply

    Check out there’s a 2700+ company business directory.

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