We’re all feeling healed up and no longer coughing and sniffling. Yay! And even though it’s a dreary day outside, it smelled like spring this morning when I left for work.Here’s a picture of Star on Saturday, which was a big snow day around here.
In other news, Crow’s basketball team, coached by Quester, won their big playoff game and will be playing in the championship on Saturday! Crow is very excited about playing in the big gym at the high school, and getting his name announced to a crowd. We had a lot of fun at the playoff game last night; my parents and aunt came, along with BlackLion and Raven. The team played really well.
That’s Crow, who’s the point guard for the first team, in the picture. Sorry about the poor quality; it was dark in the gym.
ElvenTiger of course runs around with her pack of wild girls and doesn’t pay much attention to the game. She seems perfectly content to have made friends whose names she doesn’t even know. They have a blast, and if she sits with me initially, her girls come and seek her out.
I’ve recently joined a couple of unschooler e-mail lists, and am finding new friends with similar interests and approaches. I guess that’s sort of unusual, too, in that I know their names but have never met them face-to-face. Friendship comes in so many forms!