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Holiday Greetings and a Quote

Holiday greetings to all! I’ve been away from the online world, mostly because my computer has been out of commission, but also because of the busy time with holiday preparations. I’m very thankful for all the people in my life, and for all their love and caring. I’m thankful for the blessings of abundance that […]

From Holiday Frenzy to Holiday Fun

Over the years, I’ve been gradually figuring out how to not only survive the holidays, but to thrive throughout the season. I’m lucky to have a Mom who loves this season, and so my holiday spirit is strong. Yet preparing for the holidays has certainly become a lot of work over the years, especially after […]

Kid quote

We’ve been listening to an all-holiday-music commercial radio station in the car. Last night we heard an ad about how to reduce your consumerism. “Getting off the consumer treadmill will be easy for us,” quipped Crow. “I don’t even think we’re on it!”

Creating a Process-Folio

I recently read The Unschooled Mind by Howard Gardner. It was focused primarily on how to change and improve public education in order to foster true understanding (rather than the “teaching to the test” that goes on too much of the time). One of the concepts that I found really intriguing is that of “process-folios.” […]