Giving Thanks

I like to practice gratitude regularly. I feel really blessed, and I’m very thankful for all my family and friends and a lovely place to live, and creativity and abundance and health. Thank you Multiverse!!!

We had a fun time celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday yesterday. Fourteen of us gathered here. The company was terrific, the food was delicious, and there was a lot of laughter. The cooking and cleaning wasn’t too hard, either; our meal was in the evening this time, which I liked because it gave us more time to get ready. Plus I’m a night owl anyway. A few of us stayed up late and played cards, and giggled a lot.

Here’s the meal we had. This is the vegetarian portion; we also had meat for those who like it. Everything was homemade – even the bread for the stuffing! Quester taught BlackLion how to make bread on Wednesday.

stuffing (aka dressing, for those of you in the southern U.S.!)
mashed potatoes
butternut squash & apple bake
sweet potato pudding
green bean casserole
oatmeal rolls
cranberry relish (which BlackLion’s Mom made; it was awesome)

chocolate creamy pie with soy whipped cream (delicious)
apple pie
pumpkin turnovers

and the appetizers were nuts, olives, veggies, crackers and dip

It was a bountiful feast! I love it that most everyone cooks and seems to have fun doing it. We give my brother a break because he cooks for a living. He’s working today and wasn’t looking forward to how busy they’d be – his restaurant is right by a mall. Ick. I’m staying far away from those places today, just hanging out playing games with the kids. We’re enjoying some games that we just got, including Pente and Phase 10.

One Response

  1. Starcat
    Starcat November 26, 2007 at 10:15 pm | | Reply

    I found this study that shows the benefits of gratitude:

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