I’m sitting here typing and listening to Freakwitch practicing in the basement. I wanna be a drummer! I need to somehow make it a priority (i.e. find the money) to get the djembe I’ve been talking about getting for months. B. is going to give me some lessons. And my Mom is going to learn, too – we both want to get a drum soon. I really like B.’s drumming, both kit and doumbek. And I just feel like I have a natural affinity for rhythms and beats. That’s always what I follow the most when I’m dancing. Sure, I groove to the melody, but the rhythm always calls to me. Ah well, for now I’m just a wannabe!
There were some insanely reasonably priced drums at Siempre Mas last month during their clearence sales. Not the top quality of course and I’ve no idea if they still have anything left but it may be worth the trip to check it out for a drum that you could beat on when you didn’t want to take your best drum out…