Rain and Dancing

Here we are in another rainy weekend. You can tell because I’m actually staying inside long enough to write. Although there is probably no one reading this anyway, because of the long gaps in entries while the sun was shining! (Helloooo, anyone there?)

Last night was Freakwitch band practice, with all five members in the house. I hung out and danced to their music. The “new” guitar player, who played with Quester years ago, is learning the tunes and they’re sounding quite good. Go check out their website; they have a lot of good stuff happening right now and in the near future.

Today we were able to sleep in late, listening to the rain, which was lovely. The kids were up but were in quiet mode and we had a really relaxing morning. Then we took ElvenTiger to her haircut appointment, stopped by to see a friend where she works at a farm (the kids both helped operate the soil machine that packs soil into small pots for seedlings), and did some grocery shopping. Came home and had soup for lunch, and did some stuff around the house. The kids wrote, played computer, and played pick up sticks. We all did power yoga together this afternoon. Now Quester is making dinner, and the kids are out playing in the rain.

Soon our friend R. will come over to babysit, and Quester and I are headed out for a night of dancing! I’ve been dancing quite a bit lately, and am feeling really happy about it. It’s one of my favorite things to do. I prefer live music, and most enjoy dancing to jam bands with lots of improvisation, wild drumming, spacey guitars and general harmonious cacophony. That and dancing to rhythmic drums and chanting voices around a fire in sacred circle… But just about any type of dancing is better than none! Quester and I haven’t gone ballroom dancing yet, because we aren’t so sure of our new skills. I think we need to take another session of lessons in the fall before we’ll feel confident enough with it. A friend of mine once asked me, with look of serious concern on his face, “why *is* it that women like dancing so much, anyway?” My answer: “because it feels good!”

One Response

  1. JWL
    JWL June 4, 2006 at 10:48 pm | | Reply

    if it feels good, do it, baybuh!


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