Life-Long Learning, and All That

My Freewill Astrology horoscope for the year says, in part, “Virgo: in 2006, you will have greatest success if you approach every experience as a student. Your ability to experience happiness will expand if you re-ignite your love of learning and become perpetually ablaze with curiosity.” Well, that’s certainly happening so far! The month of January (and February thus far) has been very busy, but filled with interesting new experiences. A sampling:

Quester and I are finally, thanks to our good friend K, doing something we’ve talked about for quite a while: taking ballroom dancing classes. We’re also doing some cross-country skiing, and thinking of buying our own equipment (at which point the rain came, and much of the snow melted away…sigh). I’m deepening my study of Reiki, and my yoga class this session is focused on exploring mindfulness. I’m also doing more writing (and have lots of ideas for blog entries and articles, Dear Readers), and my circle is focusing on some in-depth self-exploration centered around a workbook we’re working on together. I’ve also been learning some new skills at work. Phew! I think I, like my kids, am an unschooler.

My eldest, Crow, age 9, is also a Virgo, and he’s excited about learning too. He’s reading to himself more, and becoming the bookworm I knew he’d be. His basketball playing, and understanding of the game, is strong and improving. He’s diving into a computer game called “Civilization,” which sparks his interest in history, geography, and cultures around the globe.

My little Capricorn, ElvenTiger, age 7, is having a great year so far. She’s learning to read, and doing really well with it. She, too, is a basketball player (Quester is coaching her team); she’s very new to the game, but really determined and enthused. Her love of art of all types is flourishing, as well as her penchant for cooking.

Quester has been not only coaching, but also refereeing for the older kids’ teams in the league, so he’s keeping busy with that. His music is always a front-burner priority, too.

So, that’s what we’ve been up to when I’ve been away from this blog for a while. Oh, and a lovely mountain adventure with friends (sans kids) that involved heading up to K’s family cabin, seeing a concert at which we all danced crazily for hours, doing some skiing, and driving home in a snowstorm. Plus our community celebration of Imbolc, which included a fire in the fireplace, poetry reading, and a delicious feast.

Hope you’re doing well this season, as the days grow longer and we inch slowly toward spring!

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